Sunday, August 06, 2006

Siggraph 2006-Where's Google?

I've become obsessed with getting this blog to show up on Google, and I can't seem to get it there. I want other Siggraph 2006 attendees to find me so we can swap notes on the week. And I want my nameless dance partner from the ACM Siggraph party to find this and at least tell me his name.

Help me out here, people. If you have some advice how to get this blog to show in the search engines, drop me a comment. If all I need is someone to link to me, then a few volunteers would be nice. I'd return the favor.


At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most common problem with getting things into any search engine is a thing called META tags. They are the things that give the description of the page, the keywords related to it, and a variety of other information. From looking at your blog's source code, it doesn't look like any of the needed items are in there, and I don't know how blogger works to tell you how (or if) you can add them in.

Getting into any search engine is tricky (I have to work the system all the time because I'm a web designer and have to try to get my clients in them, and ranking high enough to their satisfaction). They have a set of standards they follow, but those standards are always changing so you have to play with things to find out what works best.

Without being able to know if you can edit the META tags or not, it's hard to say how long or even really how you'll get in google better. If you find out that you CAN edit blogger to add META tags, though, let me know and I can give you some tips on how to use them!


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